The course takes place from November 1st to November 12th, 2021. It will be held in the Milan Hašek Lecture Hall of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IMG), Vídeňská 1083, Praha 4 Krč (Krč-campus of the biological institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences).
In case of COVID-19 restrictions preventing the course on site, lectures will be streamed via Zoom.
All lectures will be held in English by active scientists.
The course is composed of ~ 40 lectures organized into the following thematic blocks:
RNA: molecular biology of RNA polymerases, alternative splicing regulation, RNA modifications, small RNAs.
Proteins: eukaryotic protein synthesis, 3D structure of proteins, X-ray crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy (CryoEM), protein folding prediction, proteomics and proteomes, ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation, RNA-protein interaction.
Cell biology and signaling: microtubules and signal transduction, membrane microdomains, cellular iron-oxidative stress-DNA damage-ferroptosis, biological clock, eukaryotic flagella and cilia, Wnt signaling.
Development: germline reprogramming, oocyte-to-embryo transition, insect genetic models for hormonal regulation of development, hematopoesis, Notch signaling.
Genetics and genomics: structure and evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, CRISPRs, analysis of complex plant genomes, gene editing in antiviral research.
Biomedicine: current concepts in tumor imunology and immunotherapy, prion strains and diseases, genetics of unsolved rare diseases, genetics of intellectual disability and autism, molecular and genetic bases of bacterial virulence, DNA damage response and cellular checkpoints in cancer.
Accommodation can be arranged individually in colleges of the Charles University. Course attendees should as soon as possible contact by e-mail the Central reservation office (reservace@kam.cuni.cz) and mention that they participate in the course.
During the course will be available coffee breaks with snacks. Lunches can participants purchase during lunch breaks in one of the two canteens in the Krč campus.
Bus line 138 takes you from the Kačerov underground line C station directly to the front gate (“Ústavy Akademie věd” stop) of the campus. Bus line 193 takes you from the Budějovická underground line C station to the stop “Zelené domky” from where you have to walk back for about 200 meters to the front gate of the campus.